Meg Monroe

︎ Product designer 
Ⓐ  New York, NY



Say Hi


Problem: Time spent at the airport often results in boredom 
Opportunity: How might we allow users to escape their boring reality in an instant?
Solution: Falling in love at the airport doesn’t have to be just a fantasy


Out of home located primarily in airports to encourage users to download Arrival.

The App

A dating app used exclusively in airports. Users have the opportunity to input their travel information (airport, departure time, terminal, gate, etc) and meet fellow travelers on the same path. 

App Overview

Chat + Travel Prompts

Ask your matches curated travel questions as an easy way to spark conversation

Arrival Gold

Pay extra to get unlimited likes, short-term or long-term

Your Matches 

Scroll through your matches to see their flight information & time until departure

Arrival x Away Airport Lounge

Get away from the hustle and bustle of the terminal. Take a breath and sip on drinks at our lounge, sponsored by AWAY luggage.

Click here to learn more about my process.